Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Tough times...

Hey readers,

I've been pretty stressed out recently with the my final year project deadline looming, and the urge to have a cigarette has never been stronger. Just writing about it makes me want to have one even more. I've still resisted the urge to use nicotine patches though. I'm trying to keep strong. Thank you all for your comments on my previous entry. They've kept me going. I'm doing my best, and that is all I can do I suppose.

As mentioned in my last post, I thought I'd make a list of the benefits of not smoking vs. smoking, so here it is:

1. Health - non-smokers live an average of 5 years more than smokers. Additionally, smokers have more coughs and colds than those who don't smoke, and take longer to get better again.

2. Financial - depends on how much you smoke, but for my personal situative of smoking a pack a day, I'd save roughly £1400 a year (now I know where my student loan goes!)

3. Social - contrary to popular belief, from my experience, my friends actually prefer me not to smoke - they don't have to suffer second hand somking from my bad habit.

4. Fertility - it has been proven that men who smoke may suffer from impotence due to the damage it has on blood vassels in the penis - additionally, women who smoke take longer to conceive and are a lot more likely to have a miscarriage.

5. Childbirth - while this does not affect me, women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have babies that are premature or stillborn.

6. Appearance - the tar from smoking stains your teeth and fingers, making them appear yellow. Also, wrinkles develop around the eyes and mouth of smokers a lot earlier than non-smokers.

However, the key benefit for me would be number 7; Confidence. Many people say that quitting smoking is the biggest challenge you will encounter in your life. One you have quit, you have that knowledge that you can succeed at difficult tasks in life, and take control of situations more easily - quitting smoking enables you to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

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